This past weekend (July 24 - 26) was definitely another tipping point, where I attended a program mostly about recognizing bumble bees. Forty plus folk gathered in a Snohomish County Extension classroom (one county north of Seattle) to expand their knowledge of pollinators and receive instruction on how to recognize bumble bees down to their species and gender, taught by Rich Hatfield. Rich is the biologist for Bumble Bee Watch, (a project of The Xerces Society), and he did a good job covering a complex topic.

So what is next? How about a monthly study group on native pollinators (not honey bees) and then a weekend short course, this time in Thurston County. Look for regular updates including speakers / topics on our blog main page under "Pollinator Study":
Pollinators Study Group (Thurston Co, WA)
This is your invitation: if you live in the area and are interested in being part of a regular study group that wants to both learn more about some of the pollinators of the South Sound, and share some of your knowledge with others as well, please come. The first meeting will be a mix of "Show and Tell" (bring something), and planning for the future. We look forward to seeing you.
Meeting room, Olympia Timberland Regional Library, Monday, Sept 28th, 6:00 p.m.
Glen Buschmann
360/ 352-9009
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