Pollinator Study

Monday, November 6, 2017

A Smoke Tree Gets Creative

Text and photos by Nancy Partlow©
Smoke trees are really cool shrubs.  The gazillions of teeny flowers that smother them in the spring attract pollinators like nobody's business. But that is a story for another time. 
This tale is about a plain, ordinary smoke tree that one autumn did something extraordinary.   

Smoke trees are noted for their fall color, with leaves that usually look something like this:  
Yet in the autumn of 2010, this humble, alley-growing smoke tree, for whatever reason, put on the most marvelous display of leaf-artistry I have ever seen.  It reminded me of 60's pop art.  Each leaf bore a unique design of pattern and color.   
I'd like to share some of these nature-made compositions with you: 


I never saw the smoke tree do this again, but I will always remember its wildly creative gift of beauty to the world.


  1. Wow, Nancy, those photos are gorgeous and amazing!! Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Beautiful Nancy. I am a total tree nut. Have been all my life. This year the fall leaves have been as beautiful as the ones on the east coast are every year. Anne

  3. Another reason to get outside and spend time in nature. Thank you, Nancy.
